Mount Church of England Primary Academy- 'Grow and shine in God's glory'
Home Page

Mount CofE

Primary school

Year 3/4 Remote Learning

Miss Tomlinson's group
Mrs Gray's group
Mrs Wills' group

Mrs Wills Group

Alice in Wonderland Audio Book

Week beginning 04.01.21

Timetable 04.01.21

Year 3 Maths
Year 4 Maths 
Topic Work

Why not have a go at making your own volcano!

Mrs Gray's Group - Set 3 sounds 

Miss Tomlinson's Group- Set 1 Sounds 


Week beginning: 14.12.20

Year 3 Maths Monday:

Year 4 Maths - Monday:

Reading Time to the nearest minute Lesson 1

Year 4 Maths: Monday

Year 3 Maths Tuesday:

Halving PowerPoint:

Year 4 Maths:

Wednesday: What is a Kenning?

Christmas Crafts

Literacy- Diary Entry Success Criteria

Literacy- Kevin The Carrot PowerPoint

Year 3 Maths
Week Beginning 07.12.20

Make a Christmas card

Week Beginning 30.11.20
Week Beginning 23.11.20

Maths Problem Solving:

Literacy- Identify Features of a Diary Entry

Literacy - Use Figurative Language

Week Beginning 16.11.20

Website Links 


Oxford Owl

Mrs Gray will send out the class login on Dojo. Click the 'Mr Class Login' Button, choose 'My ebooks' and then the 7-9 books from the drop down menu. Choose any book you would like to read. If you would like the book to be read to you you can click the play button at the bottom of the page. 
