Mount Church of England Primary Academy- 'Grow and shine in God's glory'
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Mount CofE

Primary school



You will need 16 objects (cars, bricks etc)

Arrange these objects in different ways to make 16 e.g. 4 groups of 4, 16 groups of 1, 1 group of 16, 2 groups of 8, 8 groups of 2, 3 groups of 6, 6 groups of 3.

The children need to say '4 groups of 4 makes 16', '2 groups of 8 makes 16'


Square Hunt

As 16 is a square number, the same length all around the 4 sides and 4 corners, we shall be looking for different square shapes around your home. Draw or take photos of all the squares you find and make a label to match your objects. Don't forget that squares come in all different sizes.

Happy square hunting!


Which two numbers is 17 made of?  10+7=17

What did 17 like to do? He is an artist that likes to paint pictures using the same object but seventeen times.

Which colours did he use? Why?

(Ten objects were painted white with a red outline to match Numberblock 10, seven objects were painted different colours to match Numberblock 7)

Practice counting fowards up to 17 and backwards from 17. Please make sure your child is saying the teen numbers correctly.


Being an Artist


You are going to be an artist just like Numberblock 17.

You will need: 17 small squares of paper, paints/colouring pencils/pens, glue, large sheet of paper

Choose a simple object e.g. apple, flower, favourite toy, yourself.

Draw a picture of your object on each piece of paper. Colour in 10 of your pictures in white with a red outline to match Numberblock 10. Colour in the rest of your pictures to match the other colours in Numberblock 7. See the pictures above for the order of the colours. Arrange your pictures to make your own design. Glue your pictures on your large piece of paper once you are happy with your design. Take a picture and send it to me on Dojos so we can make a gallery of our own at school.
