Mount C of E Primary Academy
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Mount CofE

Primary school

Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage

It is our fundamental ambition to give every child the best possible start to their learning, through our Early Years Foundation Stage provision. We recognise that a child's early years are some of the most vital years of their life. To meet our ambition, we nurture, develop and enrich their knowledge, skills and experiences through a carefully constructed curriculum. 


The environment is deliberately crafted to ensure that consistent routines form the basis of each working day and week. Adults have high expectations of the children, fostering strong and receptive relationships through praise and reward.


When children arrive in a morning, they come into a calm and welcoming environment. Each morning, children self-register, welcome each other, then get straight to work. Their day is presented through a visual timetable. Their learning is supported in a number of ways:


1. Teacher-led shared learning

2. Teacher-led guided learning

3.  Teacher-modelled independent learning

4. Child-initiated learning


The broad and ambitious curriculum is taught through a thematic approach, with core texts at its heart. We place a strong emphasis on the development of reading, writing and mathematical knowledge and skills. Each day, adults provide focused groups for reading, writing and maths. Additional activities around the Early Years setting are enhanced; ideas shared with children through a daily planning board. This encourages children to apply their learning (what they already know) to new, deeper experiences. 


The Early Years environment is rich in vocabulary. Adults routinely encourage children to develop a broad vocabulary on which to build future learning.


Children are taught to tidy up after themselves, leaving things as they found them. 'Choose it, use it, put it away' is the mantra. This is a vital part of their personal development and adults resolutely promote these expectations.


Alongside English, Maths and science, their learning also gives focus to the foundation subject areas of PSHE, art, DT, PE, RE, music, history and Geography, through the 7 areas of learning.


  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Communication and Language

  • Physical Development

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding the World

  • Expressive Arts and Design


During the morning, children are encouraged to take a snack break. During this time, they develop social skills and an enjoyment of stories. Through their weekly RE and PSHE studies, children develop a growing understanding of different cultures, faiths and traditions. This is achieved through stories, visits and visitors, such as musicians, artists and dancers.


Through our indoor and outdoor provision, we encourage our children to be active learners and develop positive physical and emotional health/wellbeing.















EYFS Long Term Planning (Cycle A and B)
