Mount Church of England Primary Academy- 'Grow and shine in God's glory'
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Mount CofE

Primary school


Monday 1st February
When have you used a dice?

Tuesday 2nd February

Dice Spot Patterns


Look at a dice. Point to the different Numberblocks on the picture and then find the matching spot pattern on the dice. Talk about number six being made up from all the other numbers and 1 more. Draw/make your own number 6 including all the dice spot patterns.

Wednesday 3rd February

Musical Dice


Point to the dice patterns below and children need to tell you the number. Count forwards up to 6 and backwards from 6.

You will need:

Numberblocks towers 1-6

music to dance to

a dice

family members (if possible)

Rules for Musical Dice

This game is based on Musical Bumps. Choose a Numberblocks tower. Play some music to dance to. When the music stops, roll the dice. If you have the matching Numberblocks tower, then sit down. If you don't then you can carry on dancing until your number matches on the dice. If you are playing by yourself and you're out, then choose another Numberblocks tower to carry on with the game. If extra family members are playing and they are all out, swap your Numberblocks towers and continue with the game.

Happy Dancing !!!!

Thursday 4th February

Making a Dice

Make your own dice using an old box sticky dots to make the dice patterns.

Practice writing number 6.

Friday 5th February


Play a board game using a dice or even dominoes. Notice whether they are counting the spots on the dice or subitising the patterns (spotting the number using the pattern of the spots without counting).


Practice writing numbers 1-6. Roll the dice  and  write the number to match.