At The Mount, we use White Rose Maths as the basis for our curriculum.
The Schemes of Learning (SOL) outline yearly frameworks that break down what children need to learn during each week of each term to master the learning objectives laid out by the National Curriculum. Resources aligned with the White Rose Maths frameworks are designed to be enjoyable, engaging and varied, to help pupils develop a love of learning and work towards mastery with differentiated resources.
The concept of number holds a key place in the White Rose Maths curriculum. This is because number underpins almost every area of mathematics. Without firm foundations in number, children are likely to struggle with other aspects of mathematics.
The scheme is designed to ensure that pupils have a chance to regularly consolidate their learning.
The learning is broken down into small steps and builds upon what the children have learnt previously. This includes the use of a concrete – pictorial – abstract approach throughout the maths curriculum.
Assessment for learning is used throughout maths lessons and aids the teachers in identifying children who may need additional support. These children access maths Intervention sessions either in small group or in 1:1 contexts in order to consolidate their understanding of mathematical skills and processes needed to access the learning in the classroom.
Children begin learning to read from the day they arrive at the school. The youngest pupils follow the Read, Write, Inc scheme, one of the DfE validated programmes of study. The scheme enables pupils to learn in a systematic way, introducing new sounds in a prescribed order, whilst revisiting and recalling previously learned sounds. Children learn to blend letters and groups of letters together to read words.
At The Mount, we plan our curriculum around core texts. These core texts are carefully chosen in order to make explicit links between the English curriculum and other curriculum subjects. We also have access to the Collins Treasure House scheme This scheme provides additional, high quality texts, study aspects of spelling, grammar and punctuation, and key reading/ comprehension skills. Every half term, pupils write an independent text to 'show off' their new learning, helping them to write with increasing stamina and accuracy.
At The Mount, we have mapped a curriculum which covers the objectives set out in the National Curriculum. Learning is planned into units of study. Learning is structured in a way that ensures pupils build both substantive (facts and knowledge) and disciplinary (scientific skills of enquiry) as they progress through the programme of study.
Please see the section on foundational curriculum subject for year group overviews.