Mount Church of England Primary Academy- 'Grow and shine in God's glory'
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Mount CofE

Primary school

Foundation Remote Learning

w/c 4th January

                                 Happy New Year 2021!


We hope you had a wonderful and restful holiday and we look forward to seeing you back in  school soon!


Please support your child by talking about what happened at Christmas time in your household. How did you celebrate New Year together?

Draw or paint a picture to show your family celebrations.


Our new topic for the first half of the Spring Term is







We will be finding out what the children already know about Pirates.

What is a Pirate?

Also talk to your child about what a Pirate might wear and what they might need to take on their journey.


What could be in a Pirates treasure chest?



Can you draw what you think the treasure will look like?


Using your toys, try to arrange them onto two shelves, boxes or pots. Then make up your own number sentence to show how many you have got altogether. Try to write your number sentence down.

Explore different ways of sorting your objects.



We will also be thinking about positional language.

Play a game - hide a toy in different places and your child has to describe where they find it. Give clues such as 'it's under..... it's behind........ it's inside ......... it's next to ..........' etc. 


Use directions to help them find the right place.


Then swap roles                                              










w/c 14th December
This week we will be talking about Christmas traditions.
Support your child by talking about your own family traditions at Christmas. How do you prepare for this special time at home?







w/c 5th December



In literacy this week the children will be listening to the Nativity story and finding out about the first Christmas. 

The Nativity

w/c 30.11.20
Maths and Literacy
This week we will continue to learn and sing counting rhymes. Use the links below to show more counting rhymes for this week.
Have a go at making your own flying saucer to match this rhyme!

Flying Saucers!

Talk about which rhyme is your favourite.

You could make your own playdough and use it to make numbers or spacemen or apples to help sing the rhymes and to use for counting.

Week 2 (w/c 23.11.20)

This week we are focusing on number rhymes to 5.

Use the links below to learn the songs we will be singing!


Try singing and acting out some of the rhymes - perhaps you could make up your own actions.

Maybe you could sing this song using real objects such as cakes or biscuits and you could use some real pennies. Use whatever you have at home!

You could also find different sets of 5 objects around your home and send us a picture on Dojo or draw what you have found.
You might also want to play some of the interactive Numberblocks games.

Week 1 (w/c 16.11.20)



Our Nursery rhyme for this week is 'Old MacDonald had a Farm'


Activities you could do at home:

Junk Modelling Farm animals (You could always paint them later)
