Mount Church of England Primary Academy- 'Grow and shine in God's glory'
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Mount CofE

Primary school

Curriculum statement


In January 2023, the curriculum at Mount C of E Primary Academy underwent significant change. The new curriculum is built on the following principles:


1. Constructed so that learning starts in the Early Years and and prepares children well for Key Stage 1. 

2. It is knowledge and vocabulary rich

3. It is planned so that at every stage of school, it is clear what children will learn and when they will learn it

4. Learning builds sequentially over time and in lessons, teachers identify what pupils have already learnt and how new learning links to their old learning

5. The curriculum is designed to improve both the fluency and independence of learners


The aim of the Mount curriculum is to ensure that pupils experience a broad, balanced and ambitious suite of learning opportunities which collectively prepare them well for life in modern Britain. In constructing our curriculum, we have taken care to ensure that learning about our locality is also well represented. In this school, amongst many things, children learn about Robin Hood, King John, Castles and Rivers, all integral elements of the geography and history of our locality.


The curriculum ambition applies to all pupils. The Mount curriculum is designed to be accessed by all pupils, including those with SEND and those from disadvantaged families.



Teachers deliver lessons in accordance with the long terms plans, which structure the curriculum across all age groups. Leaders make regular checks to ensure that not only is the curriculum being delivered, but that what is being taught is being remembered and used by pupils. 


Adaptations to the curriculum are made to ensure that SEND pupils can access the same curriculum as others. Such adaptations include the provision of specialist resources, additional adult support and supportive classrooms environments. Some pupils have individual learning plans, which allows their support to be particularly focused and impactful. A small number of pupils work in our on-site nurture provision where a very specific curriculum is planned and delivered to help them develop not only their academic skills, but their social and emotional skills too.



Leaders are spending the Spring and Summer terms in 2023 identifying the impact of the newly designed curriculum.
