Mount C of E Primary Academy
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Mount CofE

Primary school

School Council

Within our school we value the voice of all of our pupils. It is for this reason that our School Council contains every pupil from F2-Y6. On the first Thursday of every month, School Council meet in their family group with their Adult Group Leader to discuss the topics listed below. The discussions prove invaluable in gaining the opinions of our young people and in developing their understanding of the wider world and current affairs, in addition to local issues.

School Council Agenda 2020-21

Term 1

  1. Getting to know our new groups

  2. Evaluating School Worship

  3. British Values- What is democracy? Why is it important?


Term 2

  1. Anti-bullying and kindness

  2. British Values- What is 'rule of law'? Why is it important?

  3. In the news -Politics


Term 3

  1. British Values- What is 'individual liberty'? Why is it important?

  2. Why is caring for the environment so important and how can we help?

  3. British Values- What is 'mutual respect'? Why is it important?

  4. What can we do as a school to help unite the community?
