Senior Leadership Team
Ms Christine Turner- Headteacher, SENCo, RE lead and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Sam Thompson- Deputy Headteacher, EYFS lead, English, Early Reading and DSL
Mrs Meleisha Crawford- KS2 Lead, Y6, KS2 English and Science
Mrs Katie Hall- School Business Manager, DSL
Bonnie and Dottie are our school dogs, they visit on separate days.
Mrs Kellymarie Farmer- Attendance officer and administration
Teaching Staff
Mr Sam Thompson- EYFS (Saplings)
Mrs Lily Jones- Y1 (Silver Birch) Early Writing and PSHE
Mrs Zoe Nicholson- Y2 (Maple) Maths, Art and Design Technology
Miss Viktorija Garajeva- Y3 (Willow)
Mrs Sally Owens- Y4/5 (Eucalyptus) History, Geography, Music and PE
Miss Christina Lowe- Y4/5 (Cherry Blossom) Computing and Languages
Mrs Meleisha Crawford- Y6 (Oak)
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Phillippa Wills- High Level TA and Forest Schools
Miss Helen Coote- High Level TA
Mrs Jeanette Kerrigan- High Level TA, RWI and reading intervention
Mrs Susan Wright- High Level TA and EYFS
Mrs Natalie Evans- Well-being lead, ELSA and nurture specialist
Mrs Ruth Rutledge
Mrs Nurlaila Rahman
Mrs Raych Cartledge (EYFS)
Mrs Susan Anderson- Sensory Provision
Mrs Glenda Walker- Sensory Provision
Mrs Ann Ellison
Mr David Issott
Mrs Wendy Worthington
Miss Sophie Issott (Nurture specialist)
Miss Shirrell Wright- lunchtime cover
Mrs Zoe Robson- lunchtime cover
Ryan- from Nottingham Forest coaching
Jade- from Suggy's gym
Catering and site team
Richard- Site Manager
Zoe- Head cook
Sam- catering
Sharon and Julie keep our school nice and clean.