Mount C of E Primary Academy
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Mount CofE

Primary school


Mount C of E Primary School e-Safety rules


  • I will only use ICT in school for school purposes

  • I will only use my class or own school e-mail address when e-mailing

  • I will only open e-mails, attachments from people I know, or who my teacher has approved

  • I willnot tell other people my ICT passwords

  • I will only open/delete my own files

  • I will make sure that when I contact people using ICT, it is polite and sensible

  • I will not look for, save or send anything that could be unpleasant.If I accidently find anything like this I will tell my teacher or an adult immediately

  • I will not give out any personal details such as my name, phone number or home address

  • I will not arrange to meet anyone unless a responsible adult comes with me

  • I will not upload or add any images, video, sounds or text that could upset anybody

  • I know that my use of ICT can be checked and that my parent is contacted if a member of school staff is concerned about my eSafety

Here are some useful websites for parents wishing to find out more about keeping their children safe on line;

Click on the links below to access the support websites.

Support for parents who are worried about online radicalisation
