Mount C of E Primary Academy
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Mount CofE

Primary school

Year 5/6 Remote Learning

smiley 3rd December 2021 


Year 5 Maths

Year 6 Christmas Maths Challege

Topic - World War 2


Below are are list of events which played a key role in helping Great Britain and her allies in winning the war against Hitler. 


* The Battle of Britain

* The German Invasion of Russia

* The Bombing of Pearl Harbour

* The Dambuster Raid

* The Normandy Landings


Select one of the events and carry out your own research to answer the following questions:


* What was the reason the event was planned and carried out?


* Describe what happened?


* Explain why this event was a ley turning point in the war.?

smiley 1st December 2021

Core Spelling

Include each of our core spellings into a sentence that demonstrates your understanding of the word.

Read your favourite book!

PE With Joe

smiley 30th November 2021

The Highway man (original with poem)

An animation for the Highwayman

Arithmetic Practise

Year 5


Year 6

Maths Investigation


Week Commencing 4th January 2021


Happy New Year everyone.  We hope you all had a relaxing break and are looking forward to your learning in 2021.





Tuesday 5th January 2021

Year 5 - Arithmetic

Year 6 Equivalent Fractions Questions.

Maths Investigation

French - Year 5: Find the food words and translate into English. Year 6: Label the body in English first, and then translate into French using the internet.

Wednesday 6th January 2021

Year 6 Arithmetic

ENGLISH: Read the story of Theseus and the Minotaur. Afterwards, list the main characters and describe what you think their personalities are like e.g. brave, vain, cruel, arrogant...


Read a book of your choice.

SPELLING: Practise Year 5 & 6 Core spellings.


Follow a Cosmic Kids Yoga session of your choice on Youtube.

Thursday 6th January 

Simplify Fractions Worksheets

ENGLISH: Plan a radio news report about how Theseus has killed the Minotaur

RE - William Booth. Use this reading booklet to create a fact file about the life and work of the Christian founder to the 'Salvation Army'.

Friday 7th January 


Read a book of your choice.


TT Rockstars

Week 3 - w/c 30.11.2020


Monday - 30.11.20

Handwriting: Practise with - physical / p / ic / picture / epic


Each day this week, go through the different parts of the story to Joseph the Dreamer.

Treat each part as a new scene and convert the section into a play script, remembering the features we looked at last week. There is a reminder here if you need it.

We're looking for all of those features, especially a descriptive scene setting and effective stage directions, as well as great dialogue of course. 

If you're struggling to think of what your characters might say, there are clips of each part of the story on YouTube to refresh your memory, or if you prefer, transcribe the clips and put what those characters are saying! 

**You could practise your scenes in your puppet show theatre you created in isolation!** wink

Common Factors worksheet

Tuesday - 01.12.20

Handwriting: Practise with - signature / g / at / gather / gate

Year 5 Maths


Common Multiples worksheet

Christmas Hoops

Wednesday - 02.12.20

Thinking Skill:

Year 6 Arithmetic

Core Spellings:


Write a sentence for each spelling including the word. Be creative!

Thursday - 03.12.20

Thinking Skill:

Year 6 - Prime Numbers worksheets

Maths Investigation

Friday - 04.12.20

Thinking Skill:

Year 6 - Square and Cube Number Worksheets

Design your own Christmas Jumper:






Week 2 - w/c 23/11/20

Monday - 23.11.2020

Thinking Skill

Maths - Year 5

I would suggest guys, that you use little scraps of paper to act as counters to create the arrays that are shown in the videos. They will work just as well and could be a useful concrete resource to support you in these 2 lessons. smiley yes

YEAR 6 - LONG DIVISION PROBLEMS: A selection of word problems to apply your long division skills. If you are still finding long division tricky, I would suggest trying the Level 1 problems. If you are more confident then Level 2 and Level 3 if you really want to challenge yourself.


Today and tomorrow, we would like you to get creative in English. laugh Poetry is one of our focus text types this term and you wrote some fantastic 'Peculiar Pet' poems on your return to school after Half Term. The link below directs you to a website where it shows you how to make a 'Tiny Book of Poetry'. Now, once made, you an fill it with any type of poem you like with pictures to match. It could be a:

  • Narrative poem
  • Rhyming Poem
  • Shape Poem
  • Acrostic Poem
  • Limerick
  • Haiku......... whichever you are inspired to write, go for it! wink


**ADDED CHALLENGE** - Can you write any of your poems with a 'Joseph the Dreamer' theme??

Topic: How did life in Ancient Egypt compare with life today?

Tuesday - 24.11.2020

Thinking Skill

Year 6 Multiplication and Division problems. A selection of word problems to apply your multiplication and division skills. If you are still finding multiplication or division tricky, I would suggest trying the Level 1 problems. If you are more confident then Level 2 and Level 3 if you really want to challenge yourself.

Wednesday - 25.11.2020

Handwriting: Practise with - harass/ h / ar / heart / artery


Watch the YouTube clip of an audio described video.

Notice how the description of what is happening is described to the viewer.

Using the first minute from the clip of Joseph the Dreamer, create a script that shows the dialogue of each character but also the audio description of the background to the video and the actions of the characters. smiley

Audio Description Example.mp4

Still image for this video

Joseph_ King of Dreams - The Prison Scene.mp4

Still image for this video


Year 6 - Long Division problem solving activities. Read the problems carefully and use your long division knowledge to solve them. Please ensure that you show all your working out using the formal written method.

Core Spelling - Fill in the blank

Thursday 26.11.20.

Thinking Skills

Year 6 - Factors Questions

English (Thurs & Fri) - Features of a Playscript. Work through the powerpoint to remind you about the features of a playscript then see if you can change the short excerpt from the Story of Joseph into a playscript. Make sure you include all the features!

Reading Activity - Ancient Egypt. Listen to the ebook and then challenge yourself to answer the questions about what you have heard

Friday - 27.11.20

Handwriting: Practise with - interfere/ f / er / infer / fern


Year 5 Arithmetic


Year 6 Arithmetic






Week 1 - w/c 16.11.2020


Monday - 16.11.2020

Handwriting: Practise with - communicate / m / c / climb / centimetre

Choose a scene to draw a picture of the events and write an effective description of what's happening, including expanded noun phrases.

Long Division Worksheet - Lesson 1

Tuesday - 17.11.2020

Handwriting: Practise with - conscious / sc / o / scone / score

Long Division Worksheet - Lesson 2

Wednesday - 18.11.2020

Thinking Skill


Core Spelling - Match the definitions to the spellings


Thursday - 19.11.2020

Thinking Skill:

If I know 5 x 7 = 35 - What else do I know?

Maths Investigation - Number 65 - Age Old Problems

Long Division Lesson 3 Worksheet

Oxford Owl:

Click on 'My Class Login' and enter the details sent to you over Dojo.

There choose any ebook from the 9-11 range and listen to it read to you.

Friday - 20.11.2020

Thinking Skill:

Long Division Lesson 4 Worksheet


Choose one scene from the story of Joseph and write a draft script for a puppet show.  Make sure that the scene is interesting for an audience to watch and that all the characters have a speaking role.  Think about how they might be asked to say their lines and what props (if any) they might need.

D & T

Create a back drop, puppets and props for the scene from Joseph you wrote a script for this morning.
