Mount C of E Primary Academy
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Mount CofE

Primary school


Monday 22nd February


Why does Eight call himself Octoblock? (Oct is a clue that the word is about eight) What other words can you think of that begin with 'oct' (octopus, Octonaut, octagon)?

Draw pictures of objects that include eight 

(You will need these pictures for tomorrows activity)

Tuesday 23rd February

8 Treasure Hunt

Practice counting forwards and backwards to 8.

Using the pictures from yesterdays session, hide them around your home and send the children off on an 8 treasure hunt. When they have found a picture, the children must describe the eightness and demonstrate by counting forwards and backwards.

Wednesday 24th February

How high can you jump?

Build your own using real blocks and a cane so that the children can jump over.

Who can jump over the cane laid on a tower of 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 blocks... or even 8 blocks?

Draw a picture of the highest amount of blocks that you have jumped. Make sure you include you in the picture.

Thursday 25th February

How long can you jump?

Using your blocks, lay them on the floor.

Draw a picture of the longest amount of blocks that you have jumped over. Make sure you include you in the picture.

Friday 26th February

Writing Numbers 1-8

Recap counting forwards and backwards to 8.

Using an object that makes a sound eg. wooden spoon, beater, tap out a number and children need to count in their heads then write the number down. Check the numbers are being formed correctly. Mix up the numbers so they are not in order. 
