Mount C of E Primary Academy
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Mount CofE

Primary school

Pupil Voice

Attendance is something that we talk about every day with our children. We are working hard to achieve a whole school attendance figure of 96% by the end of this year. Through various rewards, children at our school recognise the importance of this and are clear in explaining why good attendance matters;


Morgan (Y6)

I like coming to school because you can learn and you get to see your friends. By coming to school you get used to learning and organise yourself to get to school on time. Being taught by lots of different teachers helps you to prepare for Secondary school.

There isn’t a good reason for not being in school but if you had chicken pox then you shouldn’t be in school. If I am ever off school then I always want to be back because I like Numeracy and Science.

96% or 100% is the percentage we should be at school.


Lillie (Y4)

It is important to come to school because when you grow up and work in a shop you will know about money and adding up. If you become a teacher then you will know what to do because you can copy the teachers here.

100% is the best attendance you can do but 96% is ok. There are no reasons for not being in school. I’m sad when I’m not at school because I miss my friends and school helps you to learn things and is fun.


Simon (Y5)

School is important because if you don’t go you won’t get a job. You learn the basic stuff so that you can learn better things later and remember what you have been taught.

96% is the expected percentage for attendance and there are no reasons for not coming to school. I always feel bad when I’m not at school because I miss all the fun stuff and have to stay in bed all day.

I enjoy coming to school because it is fun.

This year we are focusing on improving our writing and developing our fine motor skills through dough disco and exercises. We have implemented writing non-negotiables which must be in place in all writing in all subject areas. Here is what our children have to say about writing at Mount C of E Primary;


Antonio (Y1)

You need to include finger spaces in your writing and I think that I have got better in my writing because I can write more now. I like to make up my own stories.


Kian (Y1)

You get dojos for good writing and joined up writing. You can choose to write in after school club. You need to learn to write before you go to secondary.


Gabrielle (Y2)

You need to include lots of punctuation in your writing. I enjoy Big Write because I love writing. We can write about the Great Fire of London in our topic sessions. I use the cupboard to help me with key words.


Charlotte (Y2)

You need to include conjunctions, capital letters and exclamation marks. We use writing in our Design and Technology sessions to list what we need to do. My writing is much smaller and spaced out better than last year. I love writing stories about my own ideas. You might need to write letters to people when you are older.


Mason (Y3)

We can write in topic lessons and I think I have lots more ideas this year in my writing. My favourite is writing poems. I love dough disco.


Lillie (Y4)

You must join your writing and can write in lots of subjects like Science and topic sessions. I enjoy writing my own stories and I know that writing is important because when you are older you need to fill in forms, job applications and write quotes for people.
